Graphic Design | Art Direction
Constituents of a large civil-rights advocacy non-profit agency, in a lobbying effort bound for Washington, received this guide in both digital and print versions citing discussion points, logistics and agendas to summarize their cause. Having either the printed or PDF document for reference to disperse while speaking with legislators also helped further the trip’s efforts.

The cover photo was a mildly treated landscape-formatted image acquired via the US government’s public-domain image resources. Certain color accents found in the image, specifically with the cherry blossoms, were carried over into the layout design. Info-graphics were created from Excel data embedded in a Word file.

Client: Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Software: Adobe InDesign; Photoshop; Illustrator
Design Challenge: Using existing brand-standards including variations of the DIN 1451 typeface family, create a fresh design for a small internal publication or collateral piece with the ability to maintain design consistency in subsequent versions for the following years of program continuance.
© 2024 by Ron Underberg | Developed atop | Los Angeles, CA
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