Branding Identity | Exhibition Design
Rendering Witness
Museum of Jewish Heritage | 2020

When a colleague with the museum’s Collections and Exhibitions (C&E) curated an exhibition showcasing its comprehensive collection of art — primarily sketches — rendered by Jews and other victims of the Nazi regime, largely bestowed through families of victims and survivors local to NYC, a lead or ‘hero’ image (Eight Men in Coats with Stars, 1944) was chosen amongst the roughly two-dozen artworks featured in a 27 x 45ft gallery space, which I then designed title-wall and general exhibition branding around.
An elevation design is shown as well as a full-wall floor-to-ceiling enlargement of a prisoner’s sketch which required ample but delicate image manipulation from a high-resolution scan. Also included are multiple initial branding concepts and typography treatments provided to the curator and internal clients, as well as various object labels, collateral postcard designs, and a lobby/museum monitor title image informing patrons and visitors.
Motion Design | Social Media
World Refugee Day
Global Ministies | 2023
Each year, my team honored the agency's tireless work assisting refugees globally in part by using our social media channels in recognizing World Refugee Day, the United Nations' designated day to commemorate people forced to flee their home countries. I animated the static UMCOR (Committee on Relief) logo to incorporate the motion asset’s headline before using stylized map vectors to illustrate to its chief audience, congregations across the US, as to where the faces of people affected by this work were either migrating from or seeking relief within. The roughly 80 sec. piece’s end-panel with logos included a program number for giving support.
Email | Brand Leveraging
Exhibition Press Preview
Museum of Jewish Heritage | 2018

Press preview email design utilized to promote the launch of a photography exhibition showcasing a cache of buried negatives made from within a Polish ghetto during the Holocaust. A signature image as well as typeface usage and logo-titles were adapted from the agency tasked with the exhibition’s design and branding.
Motion Design | Social Media / Email
Christmas Card
Global Ministies | 2022
As was the case in 2023, the printed Christmas card design preceded the animated version, so as the design played off the star of Bethlehem visual, I used lens flare as an open before a vertical scroll into the card's panel copy and scripture. Alana Regular is an elegant yet contemporary connected-script typeface I paired for this year's card design along with Open Sans, a body-text face used prominently in the agency's brand standards.
Collateral | Publication Design
MJH In the News
Museum of Jewish Heritage | 2018

A publication created in a limited run — a sub-fifty quantity produced on a digital printer — served as a condensed graphic compilation of press features on a recent ongoing roster of museum exhibitions and installations. Its audience was primarily the museum’s support base and its board of trustees to quickly and comprehensively view the manner its executive staff had furthered the institution’s educational mission. I was tasked with its complete design: procuring visual assets and maintaining consistency, chronology and coherence. Over time, as multiple versions were compiled, I continued refining its size and paper-stock as a print-piece user-experience.